
End of the Free Lunch

I’m part of that awkward, in-between cohort, a little too young to fit in with Gen Xers but — although we grew up with computers like our younger siblings, the much-loathed Millennials — still old enough to recall life before the Internet. The Oregon Trail Generation still remembers, dimly, the screech of a dial-up modem on a phone line that went into the wall.

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Fixtures as Caches

I am responsible — for better or for worse — for the library which eventually became clojure.test. It has remained largely the same since it was first added to the language distribution back in the pre-1.0 days. While there are many things about clojure.test which I would do differently now — dynamic binding, var metadata, side effects — it has held up remarkably well.

I consider fixtures to be one of the less-well-thought-out features of clojure.test. A clojure.test fixture is a function which wraps a test function, typically for the purpose of setting up and tearing down the environment in which the test should run. Because test functions do not take arguments, the only way for a fixture to pass state to the test function is through dynamic binding. A typical fixture looks like this:

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Open-source Bundling

Cast your mind back to the halcyon days of the late ’90s. Windows 95/98. Internet Explorer 4. Before you laugh, consider that IE4 included some pretty cutting-edge technology for the time: Dynamic HTML, TLS 1.0, single sign-on, streaming media, and “Channels” before RSS. IE4 even pioneered — unsuccessfully — the idea of “web browser as operating system” a decade before Google Apps.

But if you remember anything about IE in the ’90s, it’s probably the word bundling. United States v. Microsoft centered on the tight integration of IE with Windows. If you had Windows, you had to have IE. By the time the lawsuit reached a settlement, IE was entrenched as the dominant browser.

Fast forward to the present. What an enlightened age we live in. Open-source has won and the browser market has fragmented. Firefox broke the IE hegemony, and Chrome killed it. The web browser really is an operating system.

But if you look around at software today, “bundling” is still with us, even in open-source software, that champion of choice and touchstone of tinkering.

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Clojure 2015 Year in Review

Another year, another year-in-review post. To be honest, I feel like any attempt I make to summarize what happened in the Clojure world this year is largely moot. Clojure has gotten so big, so — dare I say it? — mainstream that I can’t even begin to keep up with all the interesting things that are happening. But it’s a tradition, so I’ll stick to it. Once again, here is my incomplete, thoroughly-biased list of notable Clojurey things this year.

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An Opinionated Review of Clojure Applied

Why write a book about open-source software? (Not for the money. Trust me.) I’ve seen far too many “technical books” that merely regurgitate the documentation of a bunch of open source libraries. I’m happy to say that Clojure Applied, by my friends and colleagues Alex Miller and Ben Vandgrift, is not in this category. They sent me a free copy in return for review, so here it is.

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Clojure Don’ts: Lazy Effects

This is probably my number one Clojure Don’t.

Laziness is often useful. It allows you to express “infinite” computations, and only pay for as much of the computation as you need.

Laziness also allows you to express computations without specifying when they should happen. And that’s a problem when you add side-effects.

By definition, a side-effect is something that changes the world outside your program. You almost certainly want it to happen at a specific time. Laziness takes away your control of when things happen.

So the rule is simple: Never mix side effects with lazy operations.

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