Hello, world! (lambdasierra.com)
Digital Digressions by Stuart Sierra
From programming to everything else
Hello, world! (lambdasierra.com)
I’ve heard the phrase “where information / knowledge goes to die“ applied to a variety of targets: email, wikis, various software products, even governments. But I wasn’t sure where it originated.
I’m part of that awkward, in-between cohort, a little too young to fit in with Gen Xers but — although we grew up with computers like our younger siblings, the much-loathed Millennials — still old enough to recall life before the Internet. The Oregon Trail Generation still remembers, dimly, the screech of a dial-up modem…
After a month and about 175 responses, here are the results of my JDK Version Usage Survey (now closed): Versions: Almost everyone uses 1.6. A few are still using 1.5, and a few are trying out 1.7. Only a handful are still on 1.4. Fortunately, no one is on a version older than 1.4. Reasons:…
I’ve made a new version of my clojure-hadoop library. Downloads are on the main page. List of changes here. This fixes some missing pieces in the first release, and adds some more Hadoop configuration options.
My Hadoop World NYC talk went off well; here are my slides [PDF]
Hello, everyone. I’ll be performing my Clojure+Hadoop magic tricks at the following events: Friday, October 2: Hadoop World NYC. Use the code hadoopworld_friend for 10% off the registration fee. Monday, October 5: NoSQL NYC Meetup. Free! At both events I’ll be talking about: Why Clojure and Hadoop are a perfect fit. How to write Hadoop…
A first for me — I’ve been translated! Frontier Economy interviewed me about AltLaw, then translated my responses into Spanish. The Interview in English The Interview in Spanish
I wrote an article for Cornell’s VoxPopuLII blog: Tidying Up the Law. It’s about the curious intersection of computer science, legal scholarship, and the Lexis-Westlaw corporate duolopy.
I have, to my chagrin, recently discovered Twitter. I was at a conference at which the attendees twittered (tweeted?) every presentation as it happened. One speaker accidentally/deliberately left his Twitter client running during his presentation, resulting in a stream of jokes and off-color comments in the corner of his PowerPoint slides. Maybe every presentation should…