Clojure 2012 Year in Review

I signed off my Clojure 2011 Year in Review with the words You ain’t seen nothing yet. Coming back for 2012, all I can think of is Wow, what a year! I’m happy to say that Clojure in 2012 exceeded even my wildest dreams.

2012 was the year when Clojure grew up. It lost the squeaky voice of adolescence and gained the confident baritone of a professional language. The industry as a whole took notice, and people started making serious commitments to Clojure in both time and money.

There was so much Clojure news in 2012 that I can’t even begin to cover it all. I’m sure I’ve missed scores of important and exciting projects. But here are the ones that came to mind:

Growth & Industry Mindshare

The Language

Software & Tools

  • The big news, of course, was the release of Datomic, a radical new database from Rich Hickey and Relevance, in March. Codeq, a new way to look at source code repositories, followed in October.

  • Light Table, a new IDE oriented towards Clojure, rocketed to over $300,000 in pledges on Kickstarter and entered the Summer 2012 cohort of YCombinator.

  • Speaking of tooling, what a bounty! Leiningen got a major new version, as did nREPL and tools.namespace. Emacs users finally escaped the Common Lisp SLIME with nrepl.el.

  • Red Hat’s Immutant became the first comprehensive application server for Clojure.

  • ClojureScript One demonstrated techniques for building applications in ClojureScript.

Blogs and ‘Casts


I have no idea what 2013 is going to bring. But if I were to venture a guess, I’d say it’s going to be a fantastic time to be working in Clojure.

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