Quick link: Stuart’s ns Style Guide Everyone has their own personal quirks when it comes to syntax. No matter how hard you try to lock it down with code review, IDEs, scripts, or check-in hooks, individual differences will emerge.
Digital Digressions by Stuart Sierra
From programming to everything else
Quick link: Stuart’s ns Style Guide Everyone has their own personal quirks when it comes to syntax. No matter how hard you try to lock it down with code review, IDEs, scripts, or check-in hooks, individual differences will emerge.
I’m part of that awkward, in-between cohort, a little too young to fit in with Gen Xers but — although we grew up with computers like our younger siblings, the much-loathed Millennials — still old enough to recall life before the Internet. The Oregon Trail Generation still remembers, dimly, the screech of a dial-up modem…
Eight years ago, I filed a bug on an open-source project. HADOOP-3733 appeared to be a minor problem with special characters in URLs. I hadn’t bothered to examine the source code, but I assumed it would be an easy fix. Who knows, maybe it would even give some eager young programmer the opportunity to make…
I am responsible — for better or for worse — for the library which eventually became clojure.test. It has remained largely the same since it was first added to the language distribution back in the pre-1.0 days. While there are many things about clojure.test which I would do differently now — dynamic binding, var metadata,…
Cast your mind back to the halcyon days of the late ’90s. Windows 95/98. Internet Explorer 4. Before you laugh, consider that IE4 included some pretty cutting-edge technology for the time: Dynamic HTML, TLS 1.0, single sign-on, streaming media, and “Channels” before RSS. IE4 even pioneered — unsuccessfully — the idea of “web browser as…
This is a guide on naming Clojure functions. There are exceptions to every rule. When you’re defining something based on natural language, there are more exceptions than rules. I break these rules more often than I follow them. This guide is just a starting point for thinking about how to name things.