Year: 2011

What Is a Program?

What is a program? Is it the source code that a programmer typed? The physical state of the machine on which it is run? Or something more abstract, like the data structures it creates? This is not a purely philosophical question: it has consequences for how programming languages are designed, how development tools work, and…

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JDK Version Survey Results

After a month and about 175 responses, here are the results of my JDK Version Usage Survey (now closed): Versions: Almost everyone uses 1.6. A few are still using 1.5, and a few are trying out 1.7. Only a handful are still on 1.4. Fortunately, no one is on a version older than 1.4. Reasons:…

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The Naming of Namespaces

From time to time I’m asked, “How do you organize namespaces in Clojure projects?” The question surprised me at first, because I hadn’t thought about it much. But then I was using Clojure back when the only way to load code was “load-file.” Most programming languages, especially object-oriented languages, provide strong hints on how to…

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ClojureScript Launch, New York

As you may have heard, last night we (Clojure/core) announced ClojureScript at the Clojure NYC Meetup. Rich Hickey gave a talk, which was streamed live over the web, while we monitored Twitter and IRC for feedback. The event was a great success, with loads of excitement expressed by both the local New York crowd and…

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Dependency Management First-Aid Kit

This article attempts to unravel some of the mysteries of dependency management with Maven and Maven-based tools. Help, something’s missing! Say you have a project named “my-new-project” which declares a dependency on version 3 of the “awesome-sauce” library by the corporation. You add the dependency to your pom.xml, project.clj, or whatever configuration file your…

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