Year: 2009

Bilingual AltLaw Interview

A first for me — I’ve been translated! Frontier Economy interviewed me about AltLaw, then translated my responses into Spanish. The Interview in English The Interview in Spanish

Scalability for dummies like me

Alex Barrera wrote a nice little article about why “scalability issues” can prevent any visible progress on a web project for months at a time: Scalability Issues for Dummies. I’ve been in this position — no visible progress while redesigning a back-end — with AltLaw several times now. I’m contemplating yet another redesign right now,…

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Clojure talk at Philly Lambda

The folks at Philly Lambda, a Philadelphia functional-programming group, were kind enough to invite me down to talk about Clojure last night. No video/audio recording, but here are my slides [PDF].

The consequences of not deciding

Reading Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely, I came across this passage: “One of my friends spent three months selecting a digital camera from two nearly identical models. When he finally made his selection, I asked him how many photo opportunities he had missed, how much of his valuable time he had spent making the selection,…

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Twitter Heckling

I have, to my chagrin, recently discovered Twitter. I was at a conference at which the attendees twittered (tweeted?) every presentation as it happened. One speaker accidentally/deliberately left his Twitter client running during his presentation, resulting in a stream of jokes and off-color comments in the corner of his PowerPoint slides. Maybe every presentation should…

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Big & Small at the same time

I haven’t posted in a while — look for more later this summer. But in the mean time, I have a question: How do you structure data such that you can efficiently manipulate it on both a large scale and a small scale at the same time? By large scale, I mean applying a transformation…

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Clojure talk at LispNYC, June 9

Update: Slides and video available at LispNYC. Ok, it’s really happening this time: Stuart Sierra presents: Implementing in Clojure This talk demonstrates the power of combining Clojure with large Java frameworks, such as: Hadoop – distributed map/reduce processing Solr – text indexing/searching Restlet – REST-oriented web framework Jets3t – Amazon S3 Join us from…

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Clojure Talk May 12 Canceled

We had to cancel my talk for tomorrow night, due to problems with the venue. LispNYC will still meet at the Sunburnt Cow, 137 Avenue C, for drinks and discussion. My presentation has been postponed to the June meeting.