The Price of Fame

After the New York Times’ premature announcement of — I don’t mind, publicity is good — I discovered the downside of getting linked, even indirectly, from a major site. I woke this morning to find 632 bounced spam messages in my inbox sent from spoofed “” addresses. Gotta update my catch-all email settings.

2 Replies to “The Price of Fame”

  1. Fame does have it’s price, but perhaps you were seeing an email assault that was cause by the frustrating lack of a contact form or email address on the site…?

    I did think about sending my email message to every possible name at the domain, but I opted instead to use the “hidden” email address in the domain whois record, and along with the suspenders also use a belt in the form of a Google search which led me to a blog where I could leave a comment…. Yay!

    I’m VERY excited about and my email is just to let you know and to offer some help if you need any… with any luck someone will get the email.


  2. Chris Nielsen Said: Fame does have it’s price, but perhaps you were seeing an email assault that was cause by the frustrating lack of a contact form or email address on the site…?

    Sorry about that — we just got our new dedicated server and I haven’t had time to configure postfix yet. There will be a contact page, I promise. In the mean time, I’m glad your message reached me here!

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