Not So Slow

Perhaps I was premature worrying about how slow Ruby is. John Wiseman was benchmarking Montezuma, his Common Lisp port of Ferret/Lucene, and found out in the process that Ferret is 10 times faster than Java Lucene! As he says, Ferret gets help from about 65,000 lines of C code.

I’ve heard this before, perhaps not often enough to make a generalization, but at least enough to identify a trend: if you want performance from Ruby code, rewrite it in C. (The same is sometimes said of Python, or really any interpreted language.) The basic approach seems to be to extract the most performance-critical parts of your dynamic, interpreted language program and rewrite them in a static, compiled language, thus retaining most of the benefits of both.

It’s an interesting contrast to what I see as the Common Lisp approach to optimization, which is to keep everything in Lisp but add compiler declarations in hopes of speeding it up. Trouble is, unless you’re an expert on the inner workings of your compiler (or can read the disassembled code) it’s hard to know exactly what effects a particular declaration will have.

Eventually, I think manual optimization will become unnecessary. Experimental compilers like Stalin have been shown to produce faster machine code than hand-coded C. Stalin compiles a subset of Scheme down to a subset of C, making heavy use of type-inferencing and static analysis. If it can be done with Scheme, surely it can be done with Python, Ruby, or any other dynamic language.